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Condition Monitoring Report  
Station Number: MO-SG-5
Station Name: Ste. Genevieve 11.1 SSW
Report Date: 6/29/2024
Submitted: 6/29/2024 12:01 PM
Scale Bar: Mildly Dry
We had 1.68” of rain over a day, exactly what crops, pastures and gardens needed. More rain forecast for this weekend so hopefully the month will reach our average. We’re still very low though for the precipitation year. 

Corn is starting to pollinate. Some forecasted temperatures may harm the pollen. That risk can never be avoided. The second cutting of alfalfa started last week and is nearly complete. Small bales are a valuable crop. Most make larger bales due to the lack and cost of labor. 
Categories: General Awareness
Plants & Wildlife
Water Supply & Quality